Saturday, June 5, 2010

Stealth Photography

I love my iPhone. If you put the ringer on mute, you can take pictures without that tell-tale "clicking" sound that most cameras make. Also, when you've got your iPhone in your hands, people assume you're texting or checking email. These conditions are instrumental in taking what I call "stealth" photos- pictures of people who don't realize they are being photographed.

Below is the first stealth photo of the day.
This group of people caught my attention because they were so eccentric. I ran into McDonald's this morning to grab breakfast and I ended up sitting across from them. One woman was wearing a pink cowboy hat, had very bright spots of ruby red rouge on her cheeks, and spoke in a very loud voice. A young woman sitting at the table next to the group commented on how much she liked the hat. This resulted in a long discussion about where to obtain pink cowboy hats. The young woman eventually joined the group when they pulled out a coupon organizer and launched into an animated discussion of shopping with coupons. I was transfixed by the conversations.

Below is the second stealth photo of the day.
This young woman and her too-short outfit got a LOT of attention at the Pride Festival tonight.


  1. Hayley has a pink cowboy hat!!! she loves it!! ..i like those guys pants...

    and this is so disturbing, that I have no words for it...I hope to never EVER see anything like this again.....EVER.....seriously.....

  2. are you sure it's a young "woman"?
