Picture of the Day for 6/29/2010. Raising chickens is very trendy right now. I have no desire to raise chickens* but I do enjoy watching them on www.hencam.com. Below is a blurb I lifted directly from the site:
Welcome to the HenCam. We are located about thirty miles west of Boston, in the USA. There are seven hens in the HenCam coop that you can see on the inside and outside cams. Candy, the rabbit, lives with these chickens. More hens live in the right side of the big barn, (seen just beyond the HenCam run.) The goats, Pip and Caper, live on the left side of the big barn and you can watch them on the GoatCam. To find out more about the residents of Little Pond Farm, click on Bios.
The site is highly entertaining. I recommend checking it out.
*Have you ever attended a state fair and smelled the chickens? Worst smell on the planet.
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