Sunday, May 2, 2010

Shoe Update for Chantal

This blog entry is directed to my niece Chantal since my excessive shoe purchases annoy her the most. I say that if you aren't annoying people with your blog, you're not doing it right. Chantal- I'd like to point out that I bought five pairs of shoes this weekend. Just to repeat, that would be F-I-V-E. Just thought you should know.


  1. Where are those flip flops from!? I must have them.

  2. The flip flops are from Payless believe it or not. You can't see it in the picture, but they are a light lavender. I fell in love with the color.

  3. Uh oh. I believe I have offended Chantal. She's usually the first to post a snarky comment, but I haven't heard from her.

  4. ..i do believe i said no more insanely cute shoes and look what you're dead to me....I officially disown you as my aunt..

  5. I can't stop staring at these insanely cute shoes....i keep coming back to this picture....i'm still mad....and you're still dead to me....
