Monday, January 27, 2014

Restless Nights and Wild Dreams

Picture of the Day for 1/27/2014. Every few months I go through a period when I wake up at odd hours during the night and experience wild dreams. As you can see from the time stamp from my phone in the picture below, I woke up at 1:39 am this morning. I also recall waking up sometime after 3:00 am and then 5 am.

Tonight I dreamed I was wandering an old European town that was reminiscent of Venice, Italy when I noticed a performer on top of a very high platform. This performer was astride a horse and wearing buccaneer-style clothing. (Think the "puffy shirt" from Seinfeld.) His horse took a running leap and dove into a deep pool of water. There was a large audience watching this performance. As horse and rider emerged from the water, the rider waved to the crowd and that's when I realized it was my good friend Richard Larsen! I woke up laughing. That was such a random dream to have. 

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