Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Love and Gnomes

Picture of the Day for 1/8/2014. 

My sister Robynne LOVES gnomes. 

My brother-in-law Will HATES gnomes. 

Robynne has decorated her home extensively with gnomes. (Don't be alarmed- Robynne is the only person I know who can decorate in an eclectic manner and pull it off. Her house is beautifully decorated.) 

Will puts up with the gnomes. This can only mean one thing. He LOVES Robynne.

Not only does Will put up with the gnomes, but he actually gave Robynne the large gnome pillow pictured below for Christmas. Of his own free will. There was no nudging or prompting. The pillow was a complete surprise to Robynne. This can only mean one thing. He REALLY loves Robynne.

Robynne took the pillow and created this little gnome vignette. In the front hallway. For everyone to see.

Will has only himself to blame. 

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