Picture of the Day for 12/31/2010. After two days of not being able to get my car up my steep driveway into the garage, despite making a running start from a block away, I finally saw the handwriting on the wall. It was time to shovel the snow. This may not seem like a soul-shaking topic for my blog, but it was rather momentous for me since it had been years since I've shoveled snow. I had stopped not due to laziness (although no one can do lazy like I can- it's an art form), but because I got heart palpitations that eventually scared me off. Now that I've lost a significant amount of weight and no longer have a large mass in my belly, I decided to give it a try again. Easy as pie this time around (but still not fun).
shoveling snow is bad...I never do it...I just look at my drive way and say.."meh...don't care" because I do lazy AND indifference....