Picture of the Day for 1/6/2010. I've mentioned in previous blog entries how I tend to get into food ruts that last for loooong periods of time. It's happened again. My extended family meets once a week at the mall for lunch. For the past several months, my menu selection has been unvarying. I stop first at the Great Steak and Potato Company to pick up two sides of fry sauce. No matter what time or day I show up, the same clerk is always there and greets me cheerfully, clearly hopeful that I'll actually order a meal there. I never do. I feel horrible, but that doesn't stop me from heading directly to Chick-fil-A where I order a 3-piece chicken strips meal that comes with fries and a Diet Coke. I always ask for 3 sides of the Chick-fil-A sauce which is a heavenly mixture of BBQ and honey mustard. I could bathe in that sauce I love it so much. Yum. I'm sure there will come a time when I'll grow tired of this routine, but I don't anticipate it happening soon.
i have also been converted to this beautiful sauce....I kinda understand this food obsession...