Picture of the Day for 1/8/2011. This isn't the most pleasant picture I've ever posted, but I feel like maligning my parakeets today. I swear that my male parakeet, Malcolm (short for Male Companion), is weak-minded. He is easily swayed by his female parakeet companions. When the now deceased Bebe was his companion, she set a very good example of NOT pooping in the water tray. Malcolm cleverly followed suit. After Bebe's untimely demise, she was replaced by young, inexperienced Cora who doesn't realize one should NOT poop in one's water supply. Malcolm has not-so-cleverly followed suit. Now it's just a poop-fest in their water tray. Sigh.
I get a kick out of this picture where Malcolm is looking up at me, wondering what I'm doing. Little does he know that I'm just about to out him as a water-pooper.
this is hysterically funny!