Picture of the Day for 1/23/2011. My dad has assigned seating in the dining room of his assisted living facility. His dining companions are Melba (left) and Earl (right). They are not married, in case you're wondering. I've had a lot of interaction with them lately since my dad has decided he's on the 24/7 sleeping plan. This is a bad plan. Consequently, he has to be coaxed into getting up and eating. He tries to weasle out of this, but I won't let him.
Melba and Earl are a kick. Here's an actual conversation I overhead between the two of them last weekend:
"You shut up."
"No, you shut up."
As you can tell, they like to bicker. They have plenty of opportunity because Melba loves nothing more than to engage in a lively discussion (i.e., argue) and Earl doesn't put up with crap. He tells it like it is.
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