Picture of the Day for 1/19/2011. When it comes to entertainment (movies, books), I generally do not want to be edified, informed, or instructed in any way. I do not want to feel any tender emotions. I do not want to think any deep thoughts. In particular, I do not want to be a better person as a result of seeing a movie or reading a book.
Yeah, I'm kind of shallow.
In my defense, I work so many hours that seeing movies or reading novels is my one real escape. I've decided though that I need to jump on the classics bandwagon and actually work my way through the ones I managed to avoid while majoring in English in college. So, my first step in shallowness rehab is to read The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. Wish me luck. I'll let you know how it goes.
ReplyDeleteI confess I have never read the grapes of wrath (I tried, couldn't get into it), but hell's bells, the original film version starring henry fonda is freaking GENIUS AWESOMENESS. it's so spare it has a remarkable beauty and poetry to it. if i were you i would watch it. asap.
you should also read bleak house if you haven't. and then rent/buy/netflix the bbc adaptation starring gillian anderson. actually, i did it the other way around and the book is so amazing that when something bad happened to a character, even though I knew that characters eventual outcome, I burst into tears. incredible book.
ok i'm done lecturing. :)