Monday, September 20, 2010

Do They Put Crack in the Macaroni Salad?

Picture of the Day for 9/20/2010. There is a Hawaiian restaurant in town called Mo'Bettah Steaks. I'll wait for you to quit laughing at the name. You done? OK, let's move on. I'm obsessed with this place because I'm pretty sure they put crack or some other addictive substance in the macaroni salad. That's the only way I can account for the fact that I dream about this salad. I'd eat it every single day if I could.


  1. i agree with you 100%. it is so amazing. i would do a lot for that recipe. dangit. now i'm craving it.

  2. Not to rub it in (OK- I'm totally rubbing it is), but I just had a few more bites of the salad which I had left over from yesterday. It's too bad you're 2,000 miles away.
