Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Grasshopper Gauntlet

Picture of the Day for 9/11/2013. This grasshopper was hanging out on the retaining wall in my driveway today. A sure sign that autumn is coming. 

Whenever I see a grasshopper, I'm immediately transported back to my elementary school days. When I'd come home from school, I'd have to climb the front steps to reach the front door where my mother would let me in the house. At that time, there were overgrown bushes on each side of the steps so basically you had to contend with a fairly narrow path through the foliage. During the fall, the grasshoppers would jump out at me from the bushes as I walked up the steps. As you might guess, this did not go over well with a girly elementary school-age child. I HATED braving the grasshopper gauntlet each day, but I did it. I guess I'm stronger for it. With no residual emotional damage. Hey! Why is my eye twitching right now? I don't get it...

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