Friday, October 19, 2012

Letter to My Hallway Cupboard Door

Picture of the Day for 10/19/2012

Dear Hallway Cupboard Door,

I've noticed lately there's been a disturbing change in your behavior. For the past several days now, you've refused to remain shut.

This baffles me.

You've never exhibited untoward behavior before and until now, we've always maintained a cordial relationship.

Is it my fault? Have I been neglecting your cupboard needs? Are you acting up because I recently cleared out my parents' things from your shelves? I can understand how you would miss them. You provided shelter for some of those forgotten items in the dark recesses of your corners for nearly 60 years. They were your friends and I ruthlessly replaced them with my own cleaning supplies and household tools.

I'm loathe to raise these painful questions, but I can only assume your behavior stems from emotional issues as I checked to see if there any obstructions preventing you from closing fully and I could find nothing.

Please talk to me cupboard door! Help me know how to fix you. I know you'll be happier functioning as you should and I know I'll be happy not having to make a wide berth around you whenever I walk through the hallway.


Your roommate, Michelle

1 comment:

  1. your cupboard door requires medication and counseling....or a rubber band....
