Picture of the Day for 7/22/2010. I was admitted to the hospital today for my first operation ever and it was a doozy. The surgeons removed a benign 12-pound mass that had been eating through my uterus. I ended up getting a hysterectomy, but at least the surgeons were able to save one ovary.
It turned out to be a very loooooong day. I started off by getting in a minor car accident which was totally my fault. Dang.
I arrived at the hospital at 2:00 p.m., but wasn't wheeled into the operating room until 6:00 p.m. A blood test revealed that my potassium levels (which regulate the heart) were dangerously low for surgery so there was a chance it was going to be called off. I was given a massive dose of potassium which did the trick. Thank goodness. By this time (having spent a few hours in pre-op being poked, prodded, medicated, EKG'd), I just wanted to get the operation over with. I didn't think I could endure another round of pre-op activities.
The last thing I remember after being wheeled up to the operating room and talking with the surgical staff was scooting myself onto the operating table. My operation lasted four hours since it required some delicate maneuvering to untangle the mass from various organs. Apparently, I lost more blood than anticipated and I required one unit of blood. I spent about an hour in recovery and woke up to the sound of my sisters (who had been at the hospital the whole day with me) talking with my nurse. I believe I made it to my hospital room by about midnight. I didn't want to be left alone so Robynne ended up spending the night in my room.
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