Picture of the Day for 8/12/2010. Did I mention that I got in a car accident the day of my surgery on 7/22? I was in the process of making a U-turn and failed to see there was a car behind me who was trying to pass me on my left. So, yeah, I kind of slammed into that car passing me. Dang. I told the policeman who came to investigate the accident that he needed to hurry since I was scheduled to be in surgery in a couple of hours. You could say that July 22, 2010 was one of the more stressful days of my entire life.
What appeared to be a minor accident caused several thousand dollars in damage to my car. The body shop estimates it will take three weeks to complete the repairs. Sigh. My hospital discharge papers said I could start driving 3-4 weeks after my surgery. Since today represents the 3-week anniversary of my surgery, I went and got a rental car because I could not stand being without transportation for one more second. The loss of independence resulting from not being able to drive has driven me absolutely crazy. Now I have a sense of how old people who can no longer drive must feel. I have a lot more sympathy for my dad who begs me to allow him to linger over his Dr. Pepper when I take him out to lunch. I don't blame him for wanting his outings to last as long as possible.
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