Saturday, August 28, 2010


Pictures of the Day for 8/27/2010. The day of my mother's funeral last year was very rainy. Once the rain abated, there was a beautiful rainbow that stretched across the whole valley. It was so stunning that I stopped my car to take a picture of it. I found out later that my sister Paula had prayed there would be a rainbow the day we buried our mother. I'm glad I managed to take a photograph since it turned out to be mother's rainbow (our family is unapologetically laying claim to it). Since that time, we always associate rainbows with mother. Whenever we see a rainbow, we go, "there's mother" or "there's grandma." It's nice to have something tangible to associate with her.

Mother must have been working overtime yesterday because there was another stunning rainbow that stretched across the whole valley. When I stopped my car to take pictures of it, I noticed several other people were doing the same thing.

In honor of my "rainbows = mother" blog entry, I'm including a photo that my brother-in-law Will took recently at the Bear Lake cabin. There's mother!

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