Sunday, September 7, 2014

Benedict Cumbercat

Picture of the Day for 9/7/2014. The fabric of space and time just ripped.

Let me explain. My sister Paula's entire family HATES cats. HATES, HATES, HATES them. So imagine my surprise when my niece Corinne texted me a picture of her new kitty, Benedict Cumbercat, named in honor of her favorite actor, Benedict Cumberbatch. 

Hold on. The story doesn't end there. The fabric of space and time is still in danger.

Turns out, Corinne's new husband Ian is deathly allergic to cats so she can't keep him. Her mother Paula agreed to adopt the kitty. 

RIP.... TEAR... 

That was the sound of the space/time continuum being subjected to destructive forces.

Turns out, Paula's entire family is now in LOVE with this kitty. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.

RIP.... TEAR... 

You better run for your life. I'm not sure the universe can survive these assaults made on the fabric of space and time.

Before you take cover, take a minute to look at this cute kitty. He is darling.

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