Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies on the Planet

Picture of the Day for 1/29/2013. I make the best chocolate chip cookies on the planet. Actually, make that the universe. Now, you might think I'm a braggart or overstating things, but it's simply a matter of fact.

In case you're still in doubt, here's a testimonial. I gave a neighbor some belated Christmas treats tonight since he had been out of commission during the holiday season. I figured I'd wait to give him the cookies until he could enjoy them. I received the following text shortly thereafter.

1 comment:

  1. Okay Michelle, you got my attention with this one! I'm always looking for chocolate chip cookie recipes, trying to find the best one out there. (And comparing them to Mrs. Fields' milk chocolate chip cookies, which IMO are unparalleled.) So -- will you share the recipe?!?
