Monday, October 20, 2014

Looking Fabulous in Outerspace

Picture of the Day for 10/20/2014. I love this picture of women in space from this article. It was illustrated by Juliana Jiménez Jaramillo. If I were to go into space, this is how I would want it to look like- all fabulous and glamorous. Since I know this isn't reality, I have no desire to go into space. This always surprises people who assume, based on my obsession with space and astronauts, that I'd be first in line. Nope. And it boils down to one thing. Bathroom facilities. Enough said.

That's not to say looking like this is totally out of the picture. My artist acquaintance (from my years of attending Spacefest), Michelle Rouch, will paint you as an Astro Girl. Check it out here.

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