Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Lesser Wretched

Picture of the Day for 10/22/2014. I attended my niece Hayley's junior high choir concert tonight. She's the one circled in the picture below. 

Afterwards, we (Hayley's parents and grandparents) went out for ice cream. Hayley rode in my car and we discussed how junior high boys are wretched. Then we decided that scope wasn't broad enough so we discussed how ALL junior high school-aged kids are basically wretched. Hayley acknowledged by virtue of being part of this age group that she is indeed wretched, but a lesser wretched than some. Fair enough. I conceded that point. 

Over ice cream we continued this discussion and I was telling her about the WRP- the Wretched Reduction Program. Originally, it had been labeled the WEP- the Wretched Eradication Program, but all the behavioral scientists and cross-functional teams made up of experts from around the world concluded, after much analysis and diagramming, that wretched behavior eradication is impossible for this age group. The most that can be hoped for is a slight reduction. This made her laugh so hard she started snorting.

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