Picture of the Day for 2/15/2012. This is a photo of the results of the bone density scan I had today. A local health food store was offering them for free so I decided to get one to see if all the years of my copious Diet Coke consumption were catching up to me (as carbonation is reputed to leach the calcium from your bones). It looks like I shouldn't have worried. My bones nearly have the density of a young adult and for my age group, I'm above average. Upon seeing my results, the man conducting the scan asked I worked out. He wasn't surprised to hear the answer is yes and indicated that's why I'm doing so well. The man was representing a calcium supplement company, but his attempt to sell me the supplements was half-hearted since I had such a good result.
After leaving the store, I immediately called my sister Paula to gloat since she had been desperately hoping I would have a bad result so she could use me as a warning to her daughters. I think that's the first time a clean bill of health was met with disappointment.
The next thing I did after gloating to my sister Paula was to run to McDonald's to order a large Diet Coke. It was divine.
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