In January 1945, when Madeline Hyde and her husband, Ellis, are cut off financially by his father, a retired army colonel who is ashamed of his son's inability to serve, Ellis decides that the only way to regain his father's favor is to succeed where the Colonel very publicly failed - by hunting down the famous Loch Ness monster. Leaving her sheltered world behind, Maddie reluctantly follows Ellis and his best friend, Hank, to a remote village in the Scottish Highlands. Gradually, the friendships Maddie forms with the townspeople open her up to a larger world than she knew existed. Maddie begins to see that nothing is as it first appears, and as she embraces a fuller sense of who she might be, she becomes aware not only of darker forcers around her but of life's surprising possibilities.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Book Report: At the Water's Edge by Sara Gruen
Picture of the Day for January 15, 2019. I read so much fluff nowadays. It's due to a combination of cheap books available on my Amazon Kindle and wanting to escape when I do get time to read. I'm at the point now where I don't want to be edified in any way or learn something about myself or be moved when I read for fun. It's a shame because there are so many good books out there. My niece, Renee, loaned me At the Water's Edge by Sara Gruen and it's a good example of what I've been missing. I loved it! A sign of a good book, in my opinion, is when I can't stop thinking about the story and the characters. I haven't been able to stop thinking about this novel in the week that's passed since I finished reading it. Here is a synopsis from the book cover:
In January 1945, when Madeline Hyde and her husband, Ellis, are cut off financially by his father, a retired army colonel who is ashamed of his son's inability to serve, Ellis decides that the only way to regain his father's favor is to succeed where the Colonel very publicly failed - by hunting down the famous Loch Ness monster. Leaving her sheltered world behind, Maddie reluctantly follows Ellis and his best friend, Hank, to a remote village in the Scottish Highlands. Gradually, the friendships Maddie forms with the townspeople open her up to a larger world than she knew existed. Maddie begins to see that nothing is as it first appears, and as she embraces a fuller sense of who she might be, she becomes aware not only of darker forcers around her but of life's surprising possibilities.
In January 1945, when Madeline Hyde and her husband, Ellis, are cut off financially by his father, a retired army colonel who is ashamed of his son's inability to serve, Ellis decides that the only way to regain his father's favor is to succeed where the Colonel very publicly failed - by hunting down the famous Loch Ness monster. Leaving her sheltered world behind, Maddie reluctantly follows Ellis and his best friend, Hank, to a remote village in the Scottish Highlands. Gradually, the friendships Maddie forms with the townspeople open her up to a larger world than she knew existed. Maddie begins to see that nothing is as it first appears, and as she embraces a fuller sense of who she might be, she becomes aware not only of darker forcers around her but of life's surprising possibilities.
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