Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Designer Dress by Hayley M
Picture of the Day for 8/14/2012. I attended my nephew-in-law Rob's 40th birthday party tonight. I'd gloat about him turning 40 except for the fact I'll be turning 50 in less than four months.*
His daughter Hayley (my great-niece) is never without a notebook. Normally, she's working on a story, but as we were sitting by each other as Rob was opening his presents, she showed me that she was drawing dress designs. She offered to draw a dress for me so I told her that I liked dresses that wrap-around or criss-cross at the bosom and have elbow-length sleeves. This is what she designed for me. Pretty cute.
*How is this happening?! I feel 25 inside. At least I do until I get stark reminders that I don't look 25. I was recently asked how it felt to be retired. Sigh.
that's very cute! she's a girl of many talents. I will definitely show her this!