Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Getting Paris to Pose
Picture of the Day for 5/2/2012. I was at my sister's house tonight and we thought it was cute when Paris the cat started drinking out of the little water fountain pictured in the photo above. Normally, an innocuous event like this would not be cause for wonderment or celebration, but this cat has so little personality (no disrespect intended to my niece Lisa, the cat's owner) we were all amazed to see her doing something remotely interesting. Of course when I tried to take a picture of Paris, she got camera shy and stopped lapping at the water.
We devoted quite a bit of time and effort trying to entice Paris in the most encouraging tones possible to drink from the fountain again so I could snap that photo. It went something like this:
"Paris, you long to drink from the fountain. Driiiiiiiink the water." Here is Paris' response.
"Paris, resistance is futile. You cannot possibly refuse to drink from the fountain." Here is Paris' response.
"Paris, your whole life has been leading up to the moment. Drink, dammit, drink!" Here is Paris' response.
At one point Paris turned her head to glare at us. This picture doesn't do her glare justice, but if looks could kill...
Eventually, she could no longer resist the siren lure of the water...
And became one with the fountain.
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