Sunday, August 14, 2011
Dominic Thinks I'm Fun
Picture of the Day for 8/13/2011. My flight home from Los Angeles didn't leave until 8:00 p.m. so I was able to spend the day with my friend Ana and her 9-year-old nephew Dominic. We went out to lunch, saw Captain America, and went out for yogurt. Dominic is 9 going on 40. He's one of those kids who feel older than their chronological age so he chafes at being treated like a child. I remember feeling exactly the same way when I was his age. He paid me the ultimate compliment when he told Ana that the next time I was in town she was to let him know so he could come play with us again. I've used my Michelle magic to charm yet another kid. I say this for my sister Robynne's benefit since my ability to charm kids annoys her to no end, because in her words, I'm "not that interesting." LOL.
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