Picture of the Day for 10/5/2010. I accidentally left my reading glasses at home so I ran into a drugstore around the corner from my office to buy a cheap pair. Problem was, there really wasn't an inexpensive pair except for the one pictured above with the multi-colored frames. They almost look like clown glasses. I say "almost" because if they definitely looked like clown glasses, I wouldn't wear them. I hate clowns with a passion. I find them neither amusing or cute. I'm still scarred from the time one of my sisters was dating a clown (I don't mean that metaphorically- she was dating an actual clown). I was a teenager at the time and one night she brought her date over, woke me up out of a sound sleep, and insisted that I allow her boyfriend to paint my face with clown make-up. My worst nightmare ever. (Did I mention how much I hate clowns?) Despite my vehement protestations, I ended up with a clown face. Although 30 years have passed, I'm still a little bitter. And who wouldn't be? ;-)
Which sister was this!?