Proof I am Not a Hoarder
Picture of the Day for 6/13/2010. Although my house looks like it should be profiled in an episode of the TV series "Hoarders," I am not a hoarder. This donation receipt from Deseret Industries is proof! In a fit of industry yesterday (and in an effort to avoid logging onto my work computer), I decided to get rid of ALL clothing that is now too big for me. I ended up donating four big bags of the following clothing and accessories to charity:
-28 shirts
-22 skirts
-4 pairs of pants
-2 jackets
-7 pairs of shoes
-1 purse
-6 scarves
you could open up a store with all that!! think of the money you could have made!! 7 pairs of shoes and not a one of 'em would've fit my stupid hobbit feet...not fair....grrr...