Friday, July 31, 2015
Blue Moon and His Buddy "The Orb"
Picture of the Day for 7/31/2015. Tonight was a blue moon- meaning the 2nd full moon in a month. It doesn't happen very often, hence, the phrase "once in a blue moon." There was an orb that kept showing up in all my pictures of the moon. I suspect it was just a reflection off a light source, but it sure seemed to keep shifting around.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Wedding Shower
Picture of the Day 7/30/2015. I attended a wedding shower tonight and the most popular guest was the bride-to-be's young nephew. He was the lone male among about twenty women and he was eating up the attention.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Where Are the Children?
Picture of the Day for 7/29/2015. It's the middle of summer vacation and I rarely see kids playing in the street. I work from home and keep my living room window curtains open so I'm making this observation based on quality time staring out the window while I'm on conference calls. So different from when I was a kid and we were all roaming the neighborhood on our bikes.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Sons of Anarchy
Picture of the Day for 7/28/2015. My latest Netflix obsession is the television show Sons of Anarchy. It's not for the faint of heart. There are no cute puppies or bunnies or unicorns. If there were, they would be wearing leather and heavily armed.
I've always been a little fascinated by the motorcycle culture ever since I worked at Yellowstone and saw tons of bikers come through the park. I still have a pin one of them gave me when I rang up his purchases at the gift shop where I worked.
One memorable experience with the bikers coming through Yellowstone was my first year there when I worked in the cafeteria at Lake Lodge. There was a little bird caught between two window panes and was frantic to escape. The family with two young children sitting by the window knew the bird was freaking out right above their heads, but they could not have been less concerned.All of the employees were eager to help, but our manager told us it was against company policy to disturb any patrons. The bikers came to the rescue and informed the family that yes indeed they would be moving immediately so they could rescue the bird. Wait...I did manage to tie bikers to cute woodland creatures.
So, back to Sons of Anarchy. I'm fascinated by Katey Sagal's character. She plays the matriarch of a biker family and she is hard as nails- a woman to be feared. I, on the other hand, am pathologically nice. The most I'll do is lob a snarky remark at someone- which I'm sure people find more annoying than fearsome.
I've always been a little fascinated by the motorcycle culture ever since I worked at Yellowstone and saw tons of bikers come through the park. I still have a pin one of them gave me when I rang up his purchases at the gift shop where I worked.
One memorable experience with the bikers coming through Yellowstone was my first year there when I worked in the cafeteria at Lake Lodge. There was a little bird caught between two window panes and was frantic to escape. The family with two young children sitting by the window knew the bird was freaking out right above their heads, but they could not have been less concerned.All of the employees were eager to help, but our manager told us it was against company policy to disturb any patrons. The bikers came to the rescue and informed the family that yes indeed they would be moving immediately so they could rescue the bird. Wait...I did manage to tie bikers to cute woodland creatures.
So, back to Sons of Anarchy. I'm fascinated by Katey Sagal's character. She plays the matriarch of a biker family and she is hard as nails- a woman to be feared. I, on the other hand, am pathologically nice. The most I'll do is lob a snarky remark at someone- which I'm sure people find more annoying than fearsome.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Gundersen Home Movies
Picture of the Day for 7/27/2015. My dear neighbors, Betty and John Gundersen, invited me over to dinner. Betty had mentioned she had home movies from when she was a little girl during World War 2 and I had expressed an interest in seeing them. Betty wanted me to bring over my astronaut pictures and space memorabilia to show her two grandsons who (along with their mom Elizabeth) are living with them right now. So it was kind of a show-and-tell exchange. It was such a fun evening! Below are a couple of screen shots from the home movies that her uncle shot during his stint in the army in Europe. The first is a scene from London and the second is of the Statue of Liberty seen from a troop ship as he was returning to the states.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
This Will Take Awhile to Read
Picture of the Day for 7/26/2015. My niece Renee recommended the book Raven: The Untold Story of the Rev. Jim Jones and His People. I remember the Jonestown incident from 1978 so I thought it would be interesting to read more about it. I still do, but I was a little taken aback by the massive volume of the book when it arrived in the mail. I'll be reading it for awhile.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Selfies with Sadie
Picture of the Day for 7/25/2015. Due to scheduling mix-ups, our family held a Pioneer Day BBQ a day late. And in honor of the pioneers crossing the plains and suffering untold hardship along the way in order to reach Utah, my great-niece Sadie and I took our usual series of selfies. I wonder what my pioneer ancestors would think of all this technology. I'd like to think they would enjoy taking a selfie or two with a cute niece.
Friday, July 24, 2015
I Know What My Mother Was Doing on Monday, January 15, 1973
Picture of the Day for 7/24/2015. I belong to a group on Facebook for people who lived/grew up in the Valley View 9th Ward (in Holladay, UT). It has been so much fun seeing the old photographs and memorabilia that people post to the site. One former neighbor posted a scan of a church bulletin from 1973 and I was delighted to see an announcement that my mother was scheduled to teach a lesson. It's kind of fun knowing what my mother was up to on the morning of January 15, 1973. Knowing what my mother was like, I also have a good idea of what she was doing the week before that date- preparing the lesson. She loved to teach and she was good at it. She put a lot of time and research into her lessons.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Most Successful Facebook Post Ever
Picture of the Day for 7/23/2015. My sister Robynne and I posted a Buzzfeed article, "You Are Probably a (Pediatric) Speech Therapist," on our Teach Speech Now Facebook page and it turned out to be our most successful post ever. It reached over 1,100 people! That was gratifying to see.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Bountiful Handcart Days Parade
Picture of the Day for 7/22/2015. I was driving through Bountiful tonight and noticed chairs lining what must be a parade route. Since July 24th is Pioneer Day in Utah (a state holiday recognizing the arrival of the Mormon pioneers in the Salt Lake Valley), it wasn't rocket science to figure out the reason for the parade. I just couldn't believe people were already reserving seats for a Pioneer Day parade a full two days early for a relatively small-town event, but apparently, Bountiful has their own version of the holiday which they call Bountiful Handcart Days. The city's big parade takes place on the 23rd. I thought "good for them" for branching off on their own. Might have to check out Handcart Days next year.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Good-bye PT Cruiser - Hello Honda Accord
Picture of the Day for 7/21/2014. New car! I have a new car! It's a perfect new car! A dark blue 2015Honda Accord LX. It only has 15 miles on it, but I bought it as a used car lot for a used car price. The person who originally purchased it took the car home and registered it, but then backed out of the deal. After a car has been registered in an owner's name, it can no longer be sold as a new car. I could wax poetic for hours about this car because I love everything about it, but the most exciting thing about the whole deal is I no longer have to drive a beat-up PT Cruiser. Yay! Little does my unsuspecting nephew Rob know that he will be inheriting my Pt Cruiser when he gets home from his mission in three weeks. Poor guy. It's not a cool car. Hopefully he'll just be glad to have some means of transportation.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Roller Coasters and Flashing Underwear
Picture of the Day for 7/20/2015. Not much happening today so I'm posting a picture I saw on Facebook. I relate to the ladies who "live on the front row" because:
-I love roller coasters. I know, I know- the picture is talking about one's attitude about life in general, but I literally do love riding roller coasters. My dad taught me that to get the best bang for your buck at the scary old wooden roller coaster at the Lagoon Amusement Park in Utah, you have to sit on the back row because it lifts off the track a bit as it goes down the hills. Whee! Even better is to go the entire ride with your arms stretched over your head. No cheating and letting them down to grab the safety bar. Whee!
-I'm always up for a fun adventure.
-I'm currently chubby like the ladies in the front seat.
-I so relate to their skirts flying up. I can't count the number of times I've flashed people when the wind has lifted up my skirt. That happens a lot in downtown Salt Lake City where I work. The worst time was when I was bending over the trunk of a car at a car rental agency to retrieve my luggage. There were several men seated on a bench right by me waiting for the shuttle to take them to the airport. A gust of wind caught lifted my skirt and plastered it against my back which left my underwear-clad bottom exposed for all the world to see.
-I love roller coasters. I know, I know- the picture is talking about one's attitude about life in general, but I literally do love riding roller coasters. My dad taught me that to get the best bang for your buck at the scary old wooden roller coaster at the Lagoon Amusement Park in Utah, you have to sit on the back row because it lifts off the track a bit as it goes down the hills. Whee! Even better is to go the entire ride with your arms stretched over your head. No cheating and letting them down to grab the safety bar. Whee!
-I'm always up for a fun adventure.
-I'm currently chubby like the ladies in the front seat.
-I so relate to their skirts flying up. I can't count the number of times I've flashed people when the wind has lifted up my skirt. That happens a lot in downtown Salt Lake City where I work. The worst time was when I was bending over the trunk of a car at a car rental agency to retrieve my luggage. There were several men seated on a bench right by me waiting for the shuttle to take them to the airport. A gust of wind caught lifted my skirt and plastered it against my back which left my underwear-clad bottom exposed for all the world to see.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Trail of Pine Cones
Picture of the Day for 7/19/2015. There is a trail of pine cones going down my front steps. The steps are too far away from the pine tree so I know they didn't just fall there. I would have loved to have seen the creature that dragged them there. I did hear from a neighbor that a large buck was hanging out on my porch recently. She told me that people were out on the street taking pictures. I was home when it happened so I'm sorry I missed that! I'm trying to get someone to send a picture to me.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Norwegian Knotwork Engagement Ring
Picture of the Day for 7/18/2015. My niece Michelle's friend Mandy (who I also consider to be a friend) just got engaged. In honor of Mandy's Norwegian roots, her fiance had a custom engagement ring made that is engraved with Norwegian knotwork. It's beautiful and one of the most unique rings I've ever seen. I want one! Maybe a husband would come in handy too...
Friday, July 17, 2015
Great Dismal Swamp
Picture of the Day for 7/17/2015. I discovered recently and I'm totally obsessed with this site. It shows every flight that is in the air any place in the world in real time. You can click on a plane and the site will give you details about the aircraft (flight number, aircraft type, speed, elevation, flight path). I was playing around on the site and noticed planes flying over a place in Virginia/North Caroling called the Great Dismal Swamp. That name delights me to no end. I'd love to know that background story.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
New (Old) Blouse for Hayley
Picture of the Day for 7/16/2015. I've been clearing out my closet and gave this blouse that I've never worn to my niece Hayley. She looks so cute wearing it! Now I just need to dig out the pink shoes I've never worn either that would go perfectly with this shirt.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Purlple Flowers
Picture of the Day for 7/15/2015. I took an evening walk and noticed these purple flowers at a neighbor's house. I have no idea what kind of flowers they are, but they sure are pretty.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Snail Extract
Picture of the Day for 7/14/2015. I have jumped on the snail extract bandwagon. I bet you didn't even know there was a snail extract bandwagon in the first place, did you? Well there is. Right after my sister Robynne came back from a trip to New York a little over a week ago with some in hand, I read an article about it in a women's magazine. That definitely makes it a "thing." It's used in face creams to improve the appearance of one's skin. If my skin appears unusually luminescent and wrinkle-free the next time you see me, I know I'll have the snail extract to thank.
In case you're totally creeped out by the thought of snail extract, the product I purchased is clear gel and fragrance-free.
In case you're totally creeped out by the thought of snail extract, the product I purchased is clear gel and fragrance-free.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Tight Skirt
Picture of the Day for 7/13/2015. No wonder this new skirt felt tight on me. It's a size XS! I haven't been that size since I was 19 years old.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Cherry Slot Machine
Picture of the Day for 7/12/2015. This is a photo I took yesterday so I'm cheating on the day. Before my sister Robynne and I left Las Vegas yesterday we spent about 1/2 hour playing the slot machines. It's not so much about gambling for me as it is pulling down on the handle which I never tire of. When I saw this machine, I knew it was the one for me- in honor of my niece Chantal who loves all things Las Vegas and all things cherries.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Upside Down Sign
Picture of the Day for 7/11/2015. I'm thinking this sign posted on the door to a Mexican restaurant in Beaver, Utah that asks patrons to use the other door might be more effective if it were right side up. Just saying.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Yummy, Yummy, Yummy Ravioli
Picture of the Day for 7/10/2015. My sister Robynne and I joined a high school friend of mine for dinner at the Tuscany Gardens Restaurant in Las Vegas. All three of us ordered the ravioli. With four cheeses. And black truffle cream. It was the best damn ravioli I think I've ever had in my life.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Gas Station Animals
Picture of the Day for 7/9/2015. My sister Robynne and I headed down to Las Vegas today. We were greeted by animal statues at every gas station we stopped at. Must be a rural Utah thing.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Dead Tomato Plant
Picture of the Day for 7/82015. I had someone tend my budding tomato plant while I was out of town in June and only had a chance to pick it up a couple of days ago. It didn't fare well. I tried to revive it, but to no avail. Dead, dead, dead...
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Flamingo Shoes
Picture of the Day for 7/7/2015. I found these flamingo shoes at one of my favorite boutiques, Retro Betty. There was no way I was leaving the store without them.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Red Popcorn
Picture of the Day for 7/6/2015. I was at a farmer's market and saw these red popcorn kernels. I never knew there was such a thing as red popcorn. I can't wait to see what the kernels look like when they are popped.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Snail Pillow
Picture of the Day for 7/5/2015. My niece's Renee's birthday was on July 3*, but she didn't get a chance to open up her presents until tonight. She collects snails (decorative items-not the real thing) and received this cute snail pillow. Of course that's not actually Renee pictured holding the pillow since she would probably rather eat snails than have a picture of her very cute face taken. That her sister Corinne's cute face you can sorta see.
*Yes, her birthday is just one day before the 4th of July and what's even worse is she was born during the nation's bi-centennial year. She was thiiiiiiiis close to being a bi-centennial baby (which I think would have been cool). Whatever you do, DON"T joke about how the 4th of July fireworks are just for her as she's heard that one a billion times.
*Yes, her birthday is just one day before the 4th of July and what's even worse is she was born during the nation's bi-centennial year. She was thiiiiiiiis close to being a bi-centennial baby (which I think would have been cool). Whatever you do, DON"T joke about how the 4th of July fireworks are just for her as she's heard that one a billion times.
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Homemade Statue of Liberty
Picture of the Day for July 4, 2015. I attended my neighborhood's annual 4th of July breakfast/patriotic program/children's parade. During the parade, one young man wheeled a homemade Statue of Liberty down the street in a mini shopping cart. I found it utterly charming.
Friday, July 3, 2015
Pictures of the Day for 7/3/2015. You can call me Nostalgia Gal. I love anything that reminds me of my childhood (the good parts only, of course). I was on a walk today and saw these daisies. I loved the daisies that used to grow in my backyard. I can even see in my mind's eye where they were located- by the apricot and plum trees.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Sadie's Blue/Green Eyes
Picture of the Day for 7/2/2015. My great-niece Sadie and I frequently have stare-offs nose-to-nose which delights me to no end. During today's stare-off I noticed she has a small ring of green around her pupils. I always thought her eyes were just plain blue. This blue/green combination is really beautiful. I'm just sorry this photo doesn't remotely do the colors justice. On a side note- don't those freckles just slay you? Soooooooo very cute.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
A Protester and a Piper walked into a bar...
Picture of the Day for 7/1/2015. I worked at my downtown Salt Lake City office today and boy was there a lot of activity going on right outside my door. A protester was yelling at the top of his lungs at the entrance to Temple Square. He was earnestly trying to convince the people entering/exiting the gates of the error of their ecclesiastical ways. I crossed the street so I could hear what he had to say. He seemed sincere in his efforts to save souls, but wasn't going about it the right way. People don't like to be yelled at, especially by someone who appears to be a little bit of nut.
Across the street from the protester was a piper in a kilt. He wasn't in full Scottish regalia since it was about 175 degrees outside and it would have been too hot for all that gear. I stopped to chat with him for a minute and learned that he writes children's books and this helps supplement his income. A Scottish tourist approached him and good-naturedly challenged him on his Scottishness. The piper immediately switched from his Utah accent to a very good Scottish brogue. With his red hair, I suspect there's some true Scottish ancestry in his family tree.
Between the yelling and the piping- there was a lot of noise!
Across the street from the protester was a piper in a kilt. He wasn't in full Scottish regalia since it was about 175 degrees outside and it would have been too hot for all that gear. I stopped to chat with him for a minute and learned that he writes children's books and this helps supplement his income. A Scottish tourist approached him and good-naturedly challenged him on his Scottishness. The piper immediately switched from his Utah accent to a very good Scottish brogue. With his red hair, I suspect there's some true Scottish ancestry in his family tree.
Between the yelling and the piping- there was a lot of noise!